Quantum Gravity Problem: Published/Edited Articles

“…I will cite pages from notebooks in which details are carried out. I just don’t have time to make the papers pedagogical as much as I might like to. The logic of the arguments in the papers must be put in absolutely rigorous terms and I should not be afraid of making speculative statements in appropriately named subsections of the articles.” (from notebook dated: February 2012-July 2012, p. 20.)

Gravity on a Lie algebroid structure (September 16, 2012) Author was working on this article with a colleague, the last update Sept. 16, 2012. https://gaugegravity.com/gravity-on-a-lie-algebroid-structure/

On the equation for test particles in an ambient gravitational field as the  Wong equation for a generalized gauge theory (Published April 2011) https://gaugegravity.com/on-the-equation-of-motion-for-test-particles-in-an-ambient-gravitational-field-as-the-Wong-equation-for-a-generalized-gauge-theory/

Generalized gauge theory (July 20, 2012). Just a few introductory pages, heavily edited although readable. Author proposes that String Theory aids in resolving some theoretical difficulties. https://gaugegravity.com/generalized-gauge-theory/

Noncommutativity in Rindler space (November 5, 2011). This article along with Generalized Gauge Theory, were being reworked for completion in April, 2012. https://gaugegravity.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Noncommutativity-in-Rindler-Space.pdf

Do spacetime uncertainty relations require strings? (2009) https://gaugegravity.com/do-space-time-uncertainty-relations-require-strings/